Here it is, RIBS… YUM! (yes I said YUM)

Ok, so I love to make ribs, but to be honest, I think I cooked these a little too long. Some things I would change: 1. Cook a little less and keep closer to 3 hours for pork… 2. Not use as much dry rub, less can be better! Again, this original recipe was derived from here.

Dry Rub Recipe (Bold have been changed from the org recipe):

  1. 1 & 1/2 Cups paprika
  2. 1/2 cup sugar
  3. 3 & 3/4 tablespoon onion powder
  4. BBQ SauceĀ 


  1. Rub the Rub on the meat (lightly, let refrigerate for 8 hours+)
  2. Pork: Cook for about 3 hours (I did it around 250)
  3. Beef: Cook for about 2 hours (I did it around 250)


Coming soon, ribs!

Tonight I plan on making a custom rub and BBQ sauce! Going to be a whole new recipe… I will post exactly what I use after I make sure it kicks butt.

I will start with a dry rub, smoke the ribs on the green egg and then a custom wet BBQ sauce. Excited!!! More to come….